Posts: info

Site MVP

After about 3 months since I started making this website, I finally reached a MVP, and can take the “Website Under Construction” banner away from the homepage. I decided to challenge myself, and write everything from scratch, besides using base Jekyll without a theme, and Bulma for the css frontend. Usually when I start a project like that, I end up scrapping it because I am a perfectionist and things quickly fall out of scope. However, this is the one project I can say I am proud of and actually finished.


Over the next few weeks, this site is going to go through a multitude of changes. I want to be able to use this space as a tech blog through my multitude of projects, and talk about the many problems and solutions I face. I would frequently come across peculiar solutions that I do not find anywhere else, and think posting and explaining these would be beneficial to me, and any passer-by that may have the same niche problem.